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Wild Around

Julien Tassin

Wild Around

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917358827
Catnr: CR 73588
Release date: 06 December 2024
1 CD
€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73588
Release date
06 December 2024

About the album

With a unique and unmistakable approach to music and his instrument, Julien Tassin is a one-of-a-kind guitar player. Using non-traditional techniques and original tunings, he creates music that combines elements of blues, jazz, classical, Oriental and African music. The result is music born out of openness and freedom. Stubbornly he repeats musical ideas until the tension reaches a boiling point, the lyricism of his melodies becomes inevitable, and the rawness of the sound takes center stage.

'Wild Around' is Julien Tassin's fourth solo album, built on the sonic and thematic foundations laid by 'Primitiv' (2022). Tassin was inspired by the wildness he saw around humanity, but also the wildness within, the inner and outer storms, the suffering of people and the refuge that music, tradition and a deep connection to nature can provide. 'Wild Around' is an ode to living in tumultuous times.

Each song presents itself as an intimate dance of a musician and his instrument which makes the album a display of the deep connection between man and acoustic guitar. To preserve the raw and wild characteristics of the music, post-production on the recordings was kept to a minimum.

With a sonic landscape that takes the listener on an intense trip and a humming voice that grounds the melodies and soothes like a soft blanket, 'Wild Around' is layered, textured, impressive, captivating and wholly unique.

Mit seiner einzigartigen und unverwechselbaren Herangehensweise an die Musik und sein Instrument ist Julien Tassin ein einzigartiger Gitarrist. Mit unkonventionellen Techniken und originellen Stimmungen schafft er eine Musik, die Elemente aus Blues, Jazz, Klassik, orientalischer und afrikanischer Musik verbindet. Das Ergebnis ist eine Musik, die von Offenheit und Freiheit geprägt ist. Hartnäckig wiederholt er musikalische Ideen, bis die Spannung einen Höhepunkt erreicht, die Lyrik seiner Melodien unausweichlich wird und die Rohheit des Klangs in den Vordergrund tritt.
Wild Around“ ist das vierte Soloalbum von Julien Tassin, das auf dem klanglichen und thematischen Fundament von ‚Primitiv‘ (2022) aufbaut. Tassin ließ sich von der Wildheit inspirieren, die er um die Menschheit herum sah, aber auch von der Wildheit im Inneren, den inneren und äußeren Stürmen, dem Leid der Menschen und der Zuflucht, die Musik, Tradition und eine tiefe Verbindung zur Natur bieten können. Wild Around“ ist eine Ode an das Leben in stürmischen Zeiten.
Jeder Song präsentiert sich als intimer Tanz eines Musikers und seines Instruments, was das Album zu einer Darstellung der tiefen Verbindung zwischen Mensch und akustischer Gitarre macht. Um den rohen und wilden Charakter der Musik zu bewahren, wurde die Nachbearbeitung der Aufnahmen auf ein Minimum beschränkt.
Mit einer Klanglandschaft, die den Hörer auf eine intensive Reise mitnimmt, und einer summenden Stimme, die die Melodien erdet und wie eine weiche Decke beruhigt, ist „Wild Around“ vielschichtig, strukturiert, beeindruckend, fesselnd und völlig einzigartig.


Julien Tassin (guitar)

Julien Tassin is an exploratory guitarist from Belgium dedicated to improvised and expressive original music. He has established himself as one of the most creative and committed guitarists in Europe who values the expressive power and potential of music. With a dedication to strong, lyrical melodies and beautiful themes, he creates an original language and tasteful musical landscape that draws on minimalism, ambient, blues, avant-garde, rock and jazz.  His playing is raw, organic, emotional, expressive and above all uncompromising whether he is playing solo or fronting his own band. Through his compositions and improvisations he's constantly in search of essence and purity and strives to push music boundaries. To date, Julien has released several albums, solo, in trio (with Nicolas Thys and...

Julien Tassin is an exploratory guitarist from Belgium dedicated to improvised and expressive original music. He has established himself as one of the most creative and committed guitarists in Europe who values the expressive power and potential of music. With a dedication to strong, lyrical melodies and beautiful themes, he creates an original language and tasteful musical landscape that draws on minimalism, ambient, blues, avant-garde, rock and jazz.

His playing is raw, organic, emotional, expressive and above all uncompromising whether he is playing solo or fronting his own band. Through his compositions and improvisations he's constantly in search of essence and purity and strives to push music boundaries.

To date, Julien has released several albums, solo, in trio (with Nicolas Thys and Dré Pallemaerts) and with his rock band run SOFA. Recently, his trio was expanded to a quartet featuring the American trumpet player Jason Palmer and performing live with American-Eritrean Hermon Mehari. His trio Tassin - Hermia - Joris (with Manuel Hermia and Chris Joris) is set to release new music this fall.


Michel Seba (percussion)


Julien Tassin (guitar)

Julien Tassin is an exploratory guitarist from Belgium dedicated to improvised and expressive original music. He has established himself as one of the most creative and committed guitarists in Europe who values the expressive power and potential of music. With a dedication to strong, lyrical melodies and beautiful themes, he creates an original language and tasteful musical landscape that draws on minimalism, ambient, blues, avant-garde, rock and jazz.  His playing is raw, organic, emotional, expressive and above all uncompromising whether he is playing solo or fronting his own band. Through his compositions and improvisations he's constantly in search of essence and purity and strives to push music boundaries. To date, Julien has released several albums, solo, in trio (with Nicolas Thys and...

Julien Tassin is an exploratory guitarist from Belgium dedicated to improvised and expressive original music. He has established himself as one of the most creative and committed guitarists in Europe who values the expressive power and potential of music. With a dedication to strong, lyrical melodies and beautiful themes, he creates an original language and tasteful musical landscape that draws on minimalism, ambient, blues, avant-garde, rock and jazz.

His playing is raw, organic, emotional, expressive and above all uncompromising whether he is playing solo or fronting his own band. Through his compositions and improvisations he's constantly in search of essence and purity and strives to push music boundaries.

To date, Julien has released several albums, solo, in trio (with Nicolas Thys and Dré Pallemaerts) and with his rock band run SOFA. Recently, his trio was expanded to a quartet featuring the American trumpet player Jason Palmer and performing live with American-Eritrean Hermon Mehari. His trio Tassin - Hermia - Joris (with Manuel Hermia and Chris Joris) is set to release new music this fall.



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